pixie tangerine


Welcome to the VORTEX

Biodome Ojai

Biodome Ojai

Photos by Nicholas Weissman | Featuring Joel Fox & Jennifer Jordan Day

The Gulf Stream is nearing a Critical point of Collapse. Russia has invaded Ukraine. Current volume of Lake Casitas: 34.8%.


Men's fraternal regalia robes ; circa late 19th Century | CHALICES: FAMILY ARTIFACTS

Desertification of the American West. Water wars. β€œGrow your own food” signs in Meiners Oaks.


Consume less. Create more. Buy used.

Levi jeans handpainted by Joel | Men's fraternal sash FROM EBAY | Red Kap INDUSTRIAL work jacket, Uniform Warehouse in Saticoy (1243 Los Angeles Ave, Ventura, CA) with hand-painted stars | Free t-shirt from a Sony event, painted with stripes

Jennifer's thrift finds: shimmery pleated dress, metallic woven belt | More of Joel's thrift finds: aviators, HEAT RESISTANT, aluminized foundry jacket ( A GIFT)



Smile Mountain TWO

Smile Mountain TWO

Ojai at the Roller Disco

Ojai at the Roller Disco